Sunday, December 14, 2008


Today I stayedd in my pj's, didn't shower, nor do my hair or even wash my face.

Today i was a slightly neglectful mother, pretending not to notice those little hands dipping into the cookie jar a few times too many, or the little boy who ate all the icing of his dad's finger bun. Hmmm, actually maybe i'm not too neglectful since i made cookies and pink & blue playdough with the little tikes this morning. Lets just say i was neglectful from 10am!

I spent the day making this for a friends little girl.

Getting my boy to model this for me cost me the promise of a treat tomorrow. It just looked so wrong on him. Must be the boyish frame or the way he stands or something!

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Looks so pretty. Wonder why you chopped the head off your model ;)

How are the Longies going?

I've almost finished the Bolero for Laila yay!