Sunday, August 30, 2009

My computer is broken...

hence the lack of blogging.
The cd wotzit thingy isn't working and i can't reload my camera software.
Tis a pain in the neck! I have finished objects to show!

Currently i'm working on a hoodie for H(16mths) for next winter. Knitted on flats! ew! It's got all sorts to keep it interesting, cables, pockets, etc...

I'm on a mission to read childrens classics to I6. So far we've read;

The magic faraway tree
Charlotte's Web

We are currently reading 'The enchanted wood', then after that it will be 'The folk of the faraway tree'.

I've just ordered off ebay;

The secret garden
The peppermint pig (apparently this is a modern classic)

After that i'm not sure, maybe the little house on the prairie books?

C4 is now a big kindy boy and is going 4 afternoons a week. He gets an hours worth of help with his speech from the SSO and i believe will see a Dept of education speechie once a term. He also needs some help with his fine motor skills and has low muscle tone.

H is going along nicely. He is certainly a bit more full on than the other two were at the same age. I think the boy has 3rd child syndrome. He thinks he's a big kid too.