Let me see what i've completed since i last visited here.
(awwwww isn't he so cute! Has a fascination with dropping things into the toilet at the mo, little rat! Nobody in this house, 'cept me, can remember to CLOSE THE BLARDY TOILET DOOR!!!)
More 'pimp my longies' for the H-man. This time i did the large size instead of extra large, but i used 4.5mm needles instead of 4mm. Perfect fit. For the next pair i may add another set of short rows. The little tike seems to be inbetween large and x-large, i just found the XL to be too wide in the leg for him.
The wool in this pic is bendigo classic 8ply. I just soaked the ball in vinegar then plopped it into blue food colouring and 'cooked' it abit. I love the speckley look.
Here is a pair in XL

(see? a bit big in the legs, but a good fit in the bum)
The brown yarn is 'deep earth' from woolganics, and the multi coloured is bendigo 'boutique' (dyed by me). These are yummy and soft!
And currently on the needles -
'Duck soup'
I'm knitting this in 'java' classic 12ply from Bendigo Woollen Mills.
Think i made a wee stuff up in the hood, but i solidered on and think it'll be alright in the end.
It's pretty much seamless (except for the top of the hood)
I have completed most of another hoodie, but it was on flats and i think will be too small so i've lost the love for it. Eek to all that seaming.